One of the best investing marketing
companies in the world.
Our approach to investment is guided by the ethical standards and strategies of financial trading and the private sector’s commitment to Global development through long term investments that create economic prosperity and social wealth for individuals without boundaries.
We offer three (3) lucrative investment plans for your different investment needs. Our plans are, 1.5% Returns on Investment (ROI) daily for a duration of 30 days which accumulates to 45% ROI monthly in our Bronze Plan, while offering 0.5% - 3.5% Returns on Investment (ROI) daily for a duration of 60 days which accumulates to a profit range of 30% - 210% ROI at the end of investing time frame in our Silver Plan. Our Gold plan offers 4.5% Returns on investment (ROI) daily for a duration of 90 days which when accumulated goes for 405% at the end of investing time frame, terms and conditions apply.
Old members are often awarded a 10% referral commission on investments made by new sign ups. This commission is in turn redeemed with a recommitment charge 5% off the awarded 10%., This is necessary to keep every investor on track in order not to forfeit the core value of this establishment.
Registered as ProPlus Investment LtD, we are an active company incorporated on the 27th day of the month of July in the year 2020 with the registered office located in Head Office with company registration number 12769091.
ProPlus Investment is a one of a kind global cryptocurrencies trading and investment company. Our services range from providing time value investments, full time professional trading and general cryptocurrency consultation.
Set on the part of wealth creation through the help of the Blockchain Technology and Trading
To empower the general public with the best services and opportunities to wealth creation that is affordable, secure and sustainable
With fidelity being our motto, we are an extract of ethical belief that playing safe is a worthy rival to a haven of risks.